
Canòdrom Meridiana former greyhound stadium

The Canòdrom - Digital and Democratic Innovation Centre is unique in Barcelona: a citizen laboratory that studies technologies and democracy. It is an athenaeum open to the surrounding territory, the city and the world, and a crossroads of open technologies, digital rights and participation. It works at this meeting point on a wide range of topics including democracy, digital rights, digital culture, hackfeminisms, digital education, free technologies and their ecological impact. Research groups, activists and technological projects are part of the programme of residencies, collaboration and research where the Canòdrom meets the neighbourhood to rethink the intersections between technology, participation, innovation and society.

The Canòdrom is a space of meeting and enjoyment for continuing training, knowledge exchange and self-learning about the challenges of digital society and emerging technologies. The Open Canòdrom programme includes cultural activities such as guided tours of the building, talks, book launches, film screenings, festivals and exhibitions.

The governance of the Athenaeum is open, democratic and participatory for the whole ecosystem that forms the Canòdrom; resident projects, collaborators, local people, organizations and associations of the community network all form part of the Canòdrom community and jointly make decisions about these spaces in an ongoing dialogue. The governance model draws on the long tradition of Barcelona’s popular athenaeums, with an open source orientation that highlights participation and contribution to a joint common project.