Discover the main projects that are already starting to get underway in Barcelona
Via Laietana render

Via Laietana

We are transforming Via Laietana into an avenue that gives priority to pedestrians and sustainable mobility: it will be a greener street, with more space for people to stroll along and which opts for local commerce.



The transformation work on Les Glòries is closely linked to the development of the work on the tramway, the opening of the underground road tunnels, which are already in operation, and the tactical redevelopment of Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, from Plaça de les Glòries to, roughly, the Rambla del Poblenou.

Port Olímpic

Olympic Port

The aim is to reclaim this space as a place for walking and enjoying, where the blue economy is the star attraction.

Pi i Margall

Pi i Margall

This street will be transformed into a green hub connecting Parc de la Ciutadella to Collserola.


Green hubs, squares and superblocks in Barcelona

Barcelona Superblock has become the transformation model for the entire city’s streets, for achieving a fairer and safer healthy public space with more greenery.

Cycle lanes

Cycle lanes

The cyclable network is set to grow with a further 32.6 kilometres of bike lanes by 2023 and improvements to existing lanes to make journeys safer and more sustainable.

We're protecting schools

We're protecting schools

We are advancing towards traffic-calming in urban spaces around schools and nurseries, to reduce accident rates, create more meeting places and improve environmental quality.

Playable city

Playable city

All urban planning safeguards the right of children to play in public spaces. The aim in Barcelona’s more than 900 play areas is for the whole city to be playable.

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Diagonal - Tramway

Diagonal - Tramway

The first stage of the connection to Diagonal will extend the tramway from Les Glòries to C/ Girona. The initiative will also affect Plaça de les Glòries, where a large interchange is to be built between the tramway and various urban and intercity bus lines and the metro.

Avinguda Meridiana


Av Meridiana acts as a true urban motorway used by thousands of cars every day. The goal is to make this avenue more people friendly, with more greenery and meeting spaces.

Productive Superblock

Productive Superblock

The strategy to regenerate manufacturing networks along the right bank of the Besòs river addresses the challenges of turning the historically isolated industrial estates there into an extension of the urban layout.

Sants station and its surroundings

Sants station and its surroundings

A benchmark space for mobility and the urban planning of the future: sustainable, integrated into the new urban model, geared towards city residents and fully connected to the neighbourhood.


  • Escola Icona 217

    traffic-calmed school environments


  • Icona parc 900

    children’s play areas

  • Icona bici 245

    km of cycle lanes


  • Icona velocitat 30 75 %

    of the city has a speed limit of 30 km/h


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