
Education. A series of debates that calls for an form of education that not only transmits knowledge, but also teaches people to live and coexist in society.

Education or Barbarism is the theme of this cycle of debates which champions education as a ‘school of citizenship’.

Education that helps to instil the habits of democratic coexistence and mutual respect, promoting the values of solidarity and fraternity among people, especially with those in the most vulnerable situations, and contributing to the elimination of discrimination and social inequality in the interests of the common good.


  • 20 February (6 to 7.30 pm): What is the Future of Democracy?
  • 13 March (6 to 7.30 pm): Defending Democracy in Schools
  • 3 April (6 to 7.30 pm): Educational Practices that Promote Democracy
  • 10  April (6 to 7.30 pm): Education for the People: Combating Hate Speech

Free activity with prior booking required. Open in a new window for each session.

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