Vista aèria de Barcelona de nit
A day in the life of Barcelona

In the course of a day, 1,660,314 people constantly breathing and on the move generate a great number of movements, interactions, needs, aspirations… In a year, 11,510 new lives are born...

Vistes de Barcelona sota els núvols de contaminació. © Imatges Barcelona / Paola de Grenet
Air pollution in the city

In big cities, the emission of polluting gases has become a serious problem that calls for swift and decisive action. Not only is it detrimental to the health of city residents, but it...

Taula amb un fonendoscopi i un aparell per mesurar la pressió. © Carlota Serarols
Health beyond Covid-19

Covid-19 has posed a huge challenge for all public health services and has had an unequal impact on the population of Barcelona, depending on age, neighbourhood and socioeconomic status...

Obrers de la construcció que treballen en un edifici en obres destinat a habitatge públic al carrer de Viladomat, 142. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The housing crisis

Being able to access decent housing is a basic right recognised in both the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy. In Barcelona, the historic lack of public housing...

L'avinguda Meridiana, entre el carrer de Felip II i la plaça de la Tolerància. © Vicente Zambrano González
How we get around

Barcelona tops the list of European cities with the highest car density, 5,844 per km2. Although the traffic is twice that of Madrid and five times that of Berlin or Amsterdam...

Una dona camina per un carrer al voltant de la plaça de la Vila de Gràcia i passa per davant de l'aparador d'una botiga on venen mascaretes d'ús no sanitari. © Laura Guerrero
The economy on lockdown

The impact of COVID-19 goes far beyond the realm of healthcare. The restrictions brought about by the pandemic have affected many businesses. The economy is likely to recover, but the...

Una família amb l’àvia, un adult i un nen passegen pel mig del passeig de Sant Joan, que forma part de la xarxa d’itineraris segurs © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Goroka
Barcelona, a mirror of our time

The city is the story of the people who have inhabited it and inhabit it, of their work, of their aspirations. People are born and die, and while they live they shape the surroundings...

La Rambla. Mosaic de Joan Miró al pla de l’Os © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Vicente Zambrano
Evolving demographics

Albert Martin Design (Storydata)

In 2020, Barcelona broke the all-time record for...

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