More quality free public training to add vitality to the tech sector

Barcelona Activa publishes a call of 11.6 million euros for companies in this sector to offer tech training with the IT Academy, the municipal public programming campus, during the period 2025-2029. The goal is to train people from scratch in the digital skills most sought by businesses, increase the presence of women in the tech sector and improve the competitiveness of companies in the city.

18/09/2024 - 15:06 h - Employment and jobs Ajuntament de Barcelona

With this new call, Barcelona Activa is set to continue adding to its range of training in the spheres of website programming and data analysis to ensure a continuous flow of highly qualified talent and boost the presence of women in this sector.

With a labour insertion rate of more than 80% in the last  six years, reaching 84% in 2023, the training provided through the IT Academy connects with the needs of companies in this sector in Barcelona. The support that students get forms part of a comprehensive reconversion strategy offering everybody the chance to train from scratch.

The IT Academy advanced tech training centre has provided training for nearly 3,200 people with profiles in high demand among companies since 2018. Some 40% of participants were women, a figure significantly higher than the average for professionals in the tech sector in Barcelona, which stands at 30.64% according to the Digital Talent Overview 2024 from the FMWC.

Demand for digital talent

The demand for digital talent has doubled in Barcelona in the last five years, with 34,192 job offers published in 2023 for workers with digital profiles, according to data from the Digital Talent Overview 2024. In this respect, the sectoral barometer for technology in Catalonia for 2024 shows that 9,231 jobs were left unfilled in 2023, which would have generated 1,805 million euros further to the 26,446 million euros in turnover generated.

Technological training for everybody

Besides the IT Academy, Barcelona Activa also includes the Cibernàrium, the centre offering basic and specialised training at two sites, one in the 22@ district and the other in Nou Barris. In addition, training is offered all around the city through fifteen facilities around the library network and other strategic points, as well as in a virtual format.

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