Call for the B-Blue programme in the blue economy now open
The call is now open for the second edition of the business programme for projects linked to innovation, technology and sustainability applied to the sea or to water. Projects can be presented up to 2 June. The start-ups selected will get business support, training and mentorship to get their initiatives up and running.

Projects can be linked to port logistics, water treatment, nautical activity, sustainable tourism, biotechnology, blue energy or design.
Headed by Barcelona Activa, Port de Barcelona and Costa Cruceros, the business programme also enjoys the collaboration of the UPC, Seastainable Ventures, Barcelona Clúster Nàutic, Aticco and Aigües de Barcelona.
Barcelona as a blue economy city
The blue economy is well represented in the city, with over 1,600 companies and 16,000 workers in this sector.
In addition, various events linked to this sector are being held in Barcelona, such as the America’s Cup and the UN Ocean Decade Conference, which will both be held next year.