All the sport in the city within your reach

Barcelona has numerous spaces where you can get moving and be active, from the woodlands in Collserola to the city’s beaches. Here are some details on a number of sports options, resources and services!

Una persona es penja de les barres d'una cal·listènia a la platja.
17/09/2024 - 12:58 h - Sports Ajuntament de Barcelona

Sports circuits

These are public spaces all around the city, in parks, avenues and other outdoor areas. They are signposted with information and practical advice, and there’s no need to book.


The best option for physical exercise outdoors, offering toning and stretching exercises. There are also activities designed specifically for elderly people.

Get active in the parks

The health programme to get active in the company of others. Oriental gymnastics, movement and memory, for the over-40s but everybody is welcome.


This programme offers a calendar of walks to share kilometres and culture and enjoy city walking guided by the Associació d’Entitats Excursionistes del Barcelonès (AEEB).

Municipal sports facilities

There are a hundred sports centres and swimming pools around the city’s districts. They offer a decent number of supervised activities and users can also work out individually.

Urban sports parks

Urban sport also has its place in the city, with five parks where users can practice skating, skateboarding, BMX and scooter sport.

Sports for people of school age

Younger generations also have access to a wide range of resources for physical activity, during and outside of school hours. Besides keeping in shape, work here also encompasses values linked to sport.

Inclusive sport

Functional diversity does not stop people doing sport. Municipal sports centres, schools, public spaces and municipal services offer a variety of options designed to ensure inclusion. Nobody needs to stay at home!

Details on all these options can be found on Barcelona City Council’s sports website.