Workshop: Be more convincing with a good elevator Pitch


Do you know how to explain your project or professional profile in a synthetic and attractive way? Would you like to draw the attention of potential customers or recruiters from the beginning?

This is possible with a communication technique called elevator pitch.

In this workshop, we will explain the essential points that you have to keep in mind when creating your discourse and being able to foster professional opportunities.

This technique will help you to explain effectively what you are doing and what your professional value is. Once you have developed your pitch you can use it to make networking, apply it to your CV, to your social networks or to your website to find new job opportunities.

Come to this workshop to learn and practice the keys to be more convincing!



Joana Sanz is a communication coach and professional advisor. For over 10 years, she has been helping people become more effective in their communication, to create new job opportunities and shine with their presentations. She is founder and currently works in “Comunicar & Liderar” and collaborates regularly with Barcelona Activa as a trainer.



Fully booked.

  • Sala Emprèn - Glòries Entrepreneurship Center
    Carrer de la LLacuna, 162 - Barcelona
  • 12/04/2019
  • English