Working and networking effectively in multicultural teams


Diverse teams can be the most productive and innovative of all teams… or the least. How come? 

When poorly managed, diversity can feel threatening, can make communication difficult, may generate conflict (it’s easy to make offense and take offense), can lead to groupthink in order to avoid rejection, and may increase our tendency to make decisions based on biases we’re not even aware of.

What can we do about it? We can train ourselves to be more inclusive, with attitudes, cognitions and behaviors that allow everyone to bring all the unique and diverse value they are capable of to their teams.

In this interactive workshop, we’ll work towards strengthening an inclusion mindset that leads to better performance and satisfaction in multicultural teams. In the same way, it would be very difficult to learn to surf only by listening to inputs from a facilitator, intercultural competence needs practice to be developed. So come prepared to participate actively!


LEADER: Claudia Issa, Intercultural Trainer y D&I Consultant. 

Online session through ZOOM. 

Free registration atBarcelona International Communitydigital platform. 

  • Online Workshop
    Barcelona International Community digital platform
  • 20/05/2021
  • English