Tips on Personal Taxation for Expats


The experts from ECIJA will focus on Personal Income Tax (Impost sobre la Renda de les Persones Físiques, IRPF), including the special tax system for employees displaced to Spain (commonly known as the Beckham Law), and the Non-Resident Income Tax (Impost sobre la renda de no residents, IRNR).

Do not miss this opportunity to address interactively your queries during the session.



15:00h - Welcome and introduction. Representative of City Promotion, Barcelona City Council      

15:05h - Tips on Personal Taxation for Expats. Ms. Yolanda Lobao, Lawyer, Solicitor of England & Wales, LLM, Partner in ECIJA and Mr. Santiago Ylla, Tax Lawyer, Partner in ECIJA

15:45h - Questions & Answers

16:00h - End of the webinar


Free registration.

The attendance number for this on-line informative session is limited.

On-line session through TEAMS. Details of the connection will be provided upon registration.