TAXES IN SPAIN?  All you need to know about your obligations and ways to optimize the tax burden.


If you are a current or future expat in Barcelona or run a business here, there are certain things you need to know about Spanish taxes to avoid problems and to save money where it is possible. Law and tax experts from AvaLanding will go through all the basic taxes for Spanish tax residents and non-residents, both individuals and companies and will also share their best tips on efficient tax planning.

At the end of the webinar, there was be a Q&A.


  • Xavier Mayo, Barcelona City Council
  • Raisa Venermo, Co-founder of AvaLanding
  • Alejandro Puyo, Head of tax and accountancy department at Avalanding


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration in Barcelona International Community digital platform.


  • Webinar
    Barcelona International Community plataforma digital
  • 24/02/2021
  • English