Online informative session: How to pre-enrol your child to school


As a result of the measures taken to contain Covid-19, the dates of the pre-enrolment process to local schools were postponed and now are from 13th to 22nd de May. This alteration of the calendar has caused uncertainty among parents, in a process that is already a bit stressful, especially for international families who need to understand the procedure or might have a language barrier.

To try to facilitate this process, we have organized this practical session to explain how to pre-enrol your child for the coming school year 2020-21.

Cristina Iglesias, Schooling Advisor at the Barcelona Education Consortium, will provide useful information, step by step, about how to fill in and submit your pre-enrolment application, the priority criteria to assign a school and will also resolve doubts.


15:30h             Welcome words and introduction, by a representative of City Promotion, Barcelona City Council      

15:35h             How to pre-enrol your child to school: the admission process to access a public school in Barcelona for the academic year 2020-21 by Cristina Iglesia, Schooling Advisor at Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona         

16:15h             Q&A

16:30h            End of the session


Free registration. Online session through TEAMS with limited capacity. Details of the connection will be provided upon registration.


If you have time before the session, you can have a look at:

-          The Pre-enrolment Guides that the Barcelona Education Consortium has prepared in different languages (Catalan, Spanish, English and French). The content of the guides is still valid, except for the dates of the calendar that have been postponed.

-          The publication Choosing a school in Barcelona. Practical guide for international families edited by Barcelona City Council. It contains information and tips for learning about the local education system (both public and private schools) and all relevant resources and provisions for international families living in Barcelona and its surrounding areas. You will also find the offer of international education and lists with the schools offering a foreign curriculum, International Baccalaureate (IB) and Batxibac.