Meet, Share, Grow: Your Network is your Networth

  • ​March 18th: Your Network is your Network
  • April 15th: Workplace disrupted -The future of work
  • ​May 13th: Network leadership
  • June 10th: Unlocking your potential
  • July 8th: Give and take
  • September 9th: Don't sell: facilitate!
  • October 7th: Multiplyme
  • October 23rd: Barcelona International Community Day
  • November 12th: What you do is who you are
  • December 9th: Be a doer


Your Network is your Networth

The meaning of the word "networking" impacts us in different ways. For some its pure pleasure for others pure pain. In this session we will show you what networking really is, how it's done, what it takes and how it plays a key role in our postcovid professional and personal existence. Whether you are project based, a freelancer, a company owner or an employee of a newly established startup mastering how to harness and nurture your connections is what will differentiate you from the rest. The quality of your network determines the frequency and essence of your future professional and personal engagement.  

Moderator: Bibiana Cunningham, virtual space facilitator and business accelerator.


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.

  • Online networking
    Plataforma digital Barcelona International Community
  • 18/03/2021
  • English