Meet, Share, Grow: Multiplyme



March 18th: Your Network is your Networth

April 15th: Workplace disrupted - The future of work

May 13th: Network leadership

June 10th: Unlocking your potential

July 8th: Give and take

September 9th: Multiplyme

October 7th: Don't sell: facilitate! 

October 23rd: Barcelona International Community Day

November 12th: What you do is who you are

December 9th: Be a doer



In October 2019, LinkedIn reported approximately 12.400.000 users in Spain. In 2020 it was around 13.700.000. More than 1 million professionals joined LinkedIn in Spain in only one year!

Leaders of top 500 companies are urgently working out new organizational set ups merging online and in-the-office work culture. Our world has changed and with it changed the way we build, sustain and nurture our relationships and professional connections. We call it networking.

Networking is guided by process, organization, commitment and longevity. In this Meet, Share, Grow session we will work to master one way to network. We will introduce you to an online lead generation process through the creation of powerful but simple dialogues that will allow you to grow both your personal and professional networks with ease and desired results.

It is easy, natural and necessary. The sooner you get the hang of it the better you will feel about relationships and its impact on your everyday life. So, buckle up and get ready for the ride!


Moderator: Bibiana Cunningham, virtual space facilitator and business accelerator.


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.

  • Online networking
    Plataforma digital Barcelona International Community
  • 09/09/2021
  • English