Meet, Share, Grow: Don't sell, facilitate!



March 18th: Your Network is your Networth

April 15th: Workplace disrupted - The future of work

May 13th: Network leadership

June 10th: Unlocking your potential

July 8th: Give and take

September 9th: Multiplyme

October 7th: Don't sell, facilitate! 

October 23rd: Barcelona International Community Day

November 12th: What you do is who you are

December 9th: Be a doer


Don't sell, facilitate! 

Did you know that the average response rate on cold emails and messaging is between 1 to 5 %? Meaning that if you contact 100 people and 5 respond you are doing considerably well. The point is to increase the reply rate to at least 30 percent and yes, it is possible. In order to do that we must explore, understand and feel our target audience.

In this session of Meet, Share, Grow headlined Dont Sell, Facilitate! we will take a look at Value Proposition Canvas, or the analysis of your value proposition from the point of view of your client. We will look at two sides of the coin. First we will learn to understand your client and second we will learn to adapt our product or service to the needs of our now better known client. A well prepared value proposition results in more clicks, more opened emails, more answers and ultimately more connections and potential business for you.


Moderator: Bibiana Cunningham, virtual space facilitator and business accelerator.


Online session through ZOOM.

Free registration at Barcelona International Community digital platform.


  • Online networking
    Plataforma digital Barcelona International Community
  • 07/10/2021
  • English