How to integrate into Barcelona's international community


If you aren't still fluent in the local languages a good idea is to join international associations. There you can meet both, locals that like to meet global people and internationals that have experienced the same challenges that you’ve had. It’s also a good way to participate in a bunch of events, enrol in many projects and discover your new home city.

During this session, we will present some of the many international associations in Barcelona and listen to some of the expats that are part of them, enabling you to use them as tool for your integration.



17:50h - Reception of participants

18:00h - Welcome word: Mario Rubert, Director of City Promotion, Barcelona City Council

18:05h - How to break the expat bubble and integrate into Barcelona’s culture, by Claudia Issa, SIETAR Spain Regional Coordinator for Barcelona

18:15h - Tools and Resources to integrate into Barcelona’s community, by Joana Sanz, expert consultant in the international community

18:30h - Round table: "How to integrate into Barcelona´s international community" moderated by Joana Sanz

18:50h - Q&A

19:00h - Cocktail networking

20:00h - End of the event



Reserve your place by sending an e-mail to

You will need to include your full name, e-mail address and nationality.

Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

  • Auditori Mediatic, Mediatic Building
    Carrer Roc Boronat 117, 1a planta, Barcelona
  • 13/06/2019
  • English