Face-to-face networking session



The conventional wisdom tells us that successful people have these three things in common: 1) Motivation as in hard work, 2) Ability as in talent, 3) Opportunity as in luck. Based on recent research we need to add number 4) Relationships as in HOW WE INTERACT WITH OTHERS.

We all love to help. It is in our biology, we help and feel better after. There is a sense of purpose closely tied to this magical act of helping others, of GIVING them our time, knowledge, advice, resources. Personally, we are GIVERS.

But what happens to giving in professional relationships? Giving professionally is viewed as a weakness as we fear being exploited and are trained that the world is filled with takers. In this session we will explore why providing value first does not have to be risky, why success doesn't have to come at the expense of others, why giving can escalate success for many and why it is easier to win when everybody wants you to win.

We will talk about all of this and more in our next NETWORKING session, where we will meet and network in person at Barcelona Activa premisses. Come an network with a cup of coffee, friends, colleagues and new faces joining our Meet, Share, Grow professional networking community.



Bibiána Cunningham, virtual space facilitator and business accelerator.




Sala Emprèn

Centre per a la Iniciativa Emprenedora Glòries (Barcelona Activa)

c. Llacuna, 162-164



Remember to arrive a few minutes before the scheduled start time.

Places are limited and individual. If you cannot attend, please cancel your registration so that your place can be taken by someone else.

On-site activity.

Registration opens June 17th.


  • Centre per a la Iniciativa Emprenedora Glòries (Barcelona Activa)
    c. Llacuna, 162-164
  • 08/07/2021
  • English