Discover the Barcelona LGTBI Centre

Come with us to discover the wide range of resources, services and activities for the LGTBI community provided by the Barcelona LGTBI Centre, located right in the middle of cool Sant Antoni neighbourhood. It will be useful, fun and you will get the chance to mingle with other expat LGTBI / LGTBI friendly professionals & entrepreneurs at the networking drink.

The Barcelona LGTBI Centre is the city’s reference space for issues concerning LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex) people. The Centre offers the LGBTI community and all other citizens a transversal public facility that provides a wide range of information, advisory and direct assistance services, all in coordination with the relevant associations and organisations and the competent authorities. The LGBTI Centre also presents a cultural, community action and awareness-raising programme that is open to all citizens and complements the activities organised by the various associations that use its facilities, whether permanently or occasionally.


First Part: Barcelona, a welcoming city for the international LGTBI professional community

  • 6 pm-6.30 pm     Welcome, presentation and guided tour of the Barcelona LGTBI Centre.

                                      By a member of the Barcelona LGBTI Centre's management team.

Second part: Networking drink

  • 6.30 pm – 6.45 pm   Round of introductions of participating LGTBI expat professionals.
  • 6.45 pm –7.30 pm    Networking time


Promoted in collaboration with the Barcelona LGTBI Centre. Free in-person event, prior registration. The attendance is limited, places will be allocated on a first come-first serve basis.

  • Barcelona LGTBI Centre
    Carrer Comte Borrell, 22
  • 25/05/2023
    6 pm - 7.30 pm
  • English