From China to Barcelona: young entrepreneurs. Any Nou Xinès amb Barcelona 2021.



Moderator: Sergi Vicente, journalist.

Emprenem! Presentation of Barcelona Activa services for young people with entrepreneurial initiatives.

How can Barcelona Activa help you if you have a business idea? What do you have to do to start your own business?

  • Marc Sans Guañabens, City Promotion Technician, Barcelona City Council

Experiences of young entrepreneurs

  • Xiao Kangyun, lawyer specialized in accompanying self-employed entrepreneurs and SMEs, founding partner of Granvia Iuris & Consulting SLP, founder of the online legal consultancy Iusmaternity.
  • Kao Meilan, co-founder of the Kao Group and creative director, expert in branding, communication, and marketing and promoter of Proudly Made in China.
  • Yang Jingjing, Founder of Entropy Paperstore, designer stationery.
  • Lin Yu, film director, founder and president of the Lychee International Film Festival and Ma Kexing, head of Lychee Talks.

Free online activity through ZOOM.