Work gets under way on the restaurant deck at the Olympic Port
The demolition of the former restaurants at the Moll de Gregal wharf signals the start of work to renew the restaurant area at the Olympic Port. The dismantling process should take until the middle of the summer, at which point construction work will start on the new ‘Gastronomy Balcony’, a restaurant deck with eleven restaurants and three gastronomy shops. Good progress is also being made on the entrance which will improve the connection between the port and the local neighbourhood, the reconditioning of spaces for the blue economy and the reurbanisation project which will turn the sea wall into a viewing point.
Other characteristic features will also be demolished, such as the steps and pergolas at the old restaurant terraces, and a new entrance point built to link to the Nova Icària beach, improving connectivity between activity at the port and the city coast.
Dismantling and demolition work will be compatible with the activity of the Municipal Sailing Centre, where renovation work will begin in the spring.
The restaurant deck involves an investment of 15.9 million euros and should be open in the summer of 2024. The project forms part of the major transformation to reactivate the Olympic Port, driven by Barcelona de Serveis Municipals (BSM) since 2020 and based around three main areas: the nautical sector, the blue economy and gastronomy.
Good rhythm for the rest of the work
In parallel, work is in progress to open the new entrance connecting the Moll de Mestral wharf with Av. Litoral. The new underground lane which crossed beneath the seafront and which will provide a new pedestrian entrance to the port can now be seen.
This will be a unique access point for vehicles, once the current street ramp in C/ Marina disappears, with a direct entrance in the BSM Litoral Port car park. This will minimise traffic inside the Olympic Port. This work will be completed at the start of the summer.
At the sea wall, the space for the 28 business premises and 70 store facilities for boats moored beneath the sea wall is now being defined.
A spacious viewing point 500 metres long will be created here, offering a privileged view of the city coastline. The complete revamp to the sea wall is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2024.