What's the 2022 Corpus Christi procession going to be like?

14/06/2022 13:29 h

Nicolás Alonso Crozet

The 2022 Corpus Christi programme has now been presented, bringing an end to the commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the festival, which was first held in the city in 1320. This year sees it back with a vengeance, featuring 21 dancing eggs and 19 flower carpets.

The Corpus Christi procession is one of the highlights of the festival. Over the years it has become the true major festival of the city. Based on great royal arrivals, Barcelona’s procession model was exported all round the country, representing the creation of festival figures and a good part of the elements of popular culture we know today: the “gegants” [giant figure], the “capgrossos “[big-head figures], the beasts, the “castellers” [human tower makers], the traditional dances and so on..

This year’s procession is back in the street, following its confinement in 2020 to the Cathedral’s cloisters and restriction in 2021 to Av de la Catedral. The event will take place on Sunday, 19 June in the afternoon and conclude Barcelona’s Corpus Christi programme.

5.15 pm: there will be a display from the Falcons de Barcelona acrobatic human-tower group and dancing from the Gegants nous de la Casa de la Caritat o de Corpus in Plaça de Sant Jaume.

5.30 pm: Setting off of the People’s Retinue and other festival figures from the City Hall. Presentation of the festival’s figures as they set off. Route: Plaça de Sant Jaume, Carrer del Bisbe and Plaça Nova.

6 pm: Corpus Christi Mass in Pla de la Seu.

7.15 pm: Corpus Christi Procession along Avinguda de la Catedral. Route: Plaça Nova, carrer dels Boters, Plaça de la Cucurulla, Carrer del Pi, Plaça de Sant Josep Oriol, Plaça del Pi, Carrer del Cardenal Casañas, the Rambla, Carrer de Ferran, Plaça de Sant Jaume, Carrer del Bisbe, Plaça Nova and Avinguda de la Catedral.

Taking part: Lancers from the Guàrdia Urbana [city police] in ceremonial dress, on horseback; Coronela de Barcelona, Cavallets Cotoners de Barcelona [little papier-mâché horses], Penó de Santa Eulàlia, Trabucaires d’en Perot Rocaguinarda [period-costume, blunderbuss-wielding groups]*, Àliga de la Ciutat [Eagle figure], Lleó de Barcelona [Lion figure], Capgrossos Macers de la Ciutat, Gegants de la Ciutat, Ball de Cercolets de l’Esbart Català de Dansaires, Mulassa de Barcelona [giant mule figure], Bou de Barcelona [ox figure], Penó del Pi, Gegants petits originals del Pi, Gegants grans del Pi, Ball de Bastons de l’Esbart Català de Dansaires, Drac de la Ciutat Vella, Víbria de Barcelona, Nan Cu-cut de la Plaça Nova, Gegants de Sant Roc de la Plaça Nova, Tarasca de Barcelona, Gegants nous de la Casa de Caritat o del Corpus [giant figures], Ball de Bastons del Seguici [stick dancing], Dofí del Casc Antic [dolphin figure], Penó de Santa Maria del Mar, Gegants de Santa Maria del Mar, Gegants de Sant Jaume Apòstol, Falcons de Barcelona, Guàrdia Urbana [city police] in ceremonial uniform on foot, Macer de la Catedral i Creu processional de la Catedral, church gonfalons (Catedral i Santa Maria del Pi), Escola Pare Manyanet music band, Archdiocese of Barcelona confraternities, first-communion children, Knights of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, Knights of the Order of the Maltese Cross, Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, seminarians, Francesc Valls Chamber Choir, clergy, the Custody with the Holy Sacrament on the throne of King Martin, officials, Banda La Valenciana de Barcelona and followers.

Towards 9 pm: the arrival of the Custody following by the festival figures, the Àliga de la Ciutat dance and Gegants de la Ciutat dance, in Avinguda de la Catedral.

* The organisers advise people with hearing problems or sensitivity, particularly the elderly and children, to take precautionary measures (plugs, cotton etc.,) during the events
that the trabucaires will be taking part in.