“We won’t keep quiet” in the face of gender violence during night-time leisure
After the halt in night-time leisure activity caused by the pandemic, the “We won’t be quiet” protocol is being reactivated, to prevent and act against gender violence in discotheques, music halls and festivals, with some forty venues signed up to it. The new agreement incorporates improvements in staff training, monitoring possible cases of violence and coordination with signed-up venues.
- One out of every ten sexual assaults in Catalonia occurs in wine bars and discotheques (Survey on sexual violence in Catalonia, 2019). Aimed at preventing and detecting such situations, the “No callem” protocol is back in operation in 39 of the city’s venues, including:
- Twenty-five music halls, such as Razzmatazz, Sidecar, Sala Apolo, Luz de Gas, Arena and Plataforma.
- Eight music festivals, such as the Primavera Sound, the Sónar and the Cruïlla.
- Six facilities with diverse activities, such as the Palau Sant Jordi, the Olympic Stadium, Poble Espanyol and Parc del Fòrum.
New features in the protocol
The protocol’s reactivation has been accompanied by an expansion of tools and practices for combatting gender violence:
- Training: staff working in the venues will receive specific training from the City Council, with initiatives for preventing and identifying gender violence and tools for action in response to a possible case of gender assault or harassment. The training also includes specific materials and face-to-face sessions.
- Accompaniment: venues signed up to the protocol will have support from staff specializing in combating gender violence, who can travel to offer guidance to managers and staff so as to ensure the proper application of the prevention and action measures, not just in physical reviews of the venues but also in tackling cases of harassment or assaults.
- Monitoring and coordinating: cases’ control and monitoring circuits will be improved as well, especially for the most serious. The City Council will be collecting data every week on the incidents that are reports, not just those directly received from those in charge of the venues but also from those reporting incidents through social networks or by telephone. The venues likewise undertake to communicate every case they detect within a maximum period of 36 hours.
- Prevention: the venues will also apply specific measures for preventing gender violence and discrimination, such as limited access for individuals with aggressive or disrespectful attitudes and behaviour. Sexist criteria will also be protected against, such as different prices according to sex or dress codes. In addition, all the venues will have to assess and detect vulnerable spaces, such as dark and hidden areas, to prevent risk situations from arising.

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