New bike lane with more traffic-calming and green spaces planned in C/ Badajoz

The new urban planning project for the street adds a bike lane in the section between Av. Icària and Av. Diagonal, along with more traffic-calmed spaces and greenery with more plant species.

04/10/2024 13:18 h

Districte Sant Martí

The work to recondition C/ Badajoz, in the 22@ area, covers 1.4 kilometres between Av. Icària and Av. Diagonal, as far as Pl. Glòries. The new one-way bike lane in the direction of the mountains and the addition of more green spaces are the main changes in the transformation of the street which runs through the neighbourhoods of Poblenou and El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou

The work will take two years and be completed in two stages. The first, from Av. Icària to C/ Pallars, is expected to take 14 months, starting in the second half of 2025. The second stage, from C/ Pere IV to Av. Diagonal, will take 10 months and be carried out once the first stage is completed.

The street will be configured with one bus lane, two traffic lanes and a bike lane 2.3 metres wide. The pavements along the whole street will be 4.6 metres wide.

The new bike lane will connect in the north with the bike lanes in Av. Diagonal and C/ Independència, and in the southernmost section, with the existing cycling corridor in C/ Taulat and Av. Icària. In the middle, the new lane will add new links to the two-way bike lanes in C/ Pujades and C/ Ramon Turró.

The project includes traffic calming at three junctions in sections that connect, or will connect, with green streets: C/ Doctor Trueta, C/ Pujades and C/ Almogàvers. The junction between C/ Badajoz and C/ Ramon Turró will also be traffic calmed to protect the area around the Escola Voramar and make it safer for children and their families. Finally, the Llobregat side of the junction with C/ Sancho de Ávila will be symmetrical to the one on the Besòs side, connecting with the Poblenou superblock.

The remodelling project for C/ Badajoz also opts for more greenery, with more species of plants, bushes and trees. These will be added with the corresponding watering network to maintain vegetation.

The project will renew the whole surface of C/ Badajoz (road surface and pavements) from Av. Icària and C/ Bolívia and improve drainage in the street.

The street will also get new lighting, with new streetlamps featuring LED technology to favour energy savings and eliminate dark spots.

Finally, the work will allow for the hot-cold climate control network to be extended, as well as pneumatic waste collection, new signage and urban furniture.

New section of the green street of C/ Almogàvers completed

The presentation of the revamp to C/ Badajoz coincides with the completion of a new section of the green street of C/ Almogàvers, a new space prioritising people, greenery, sustainable mobility and more vitality for local shops and businesses. The latest section to be traffic calmed is located between C/ Badajoz and C/ Roc Boronat, in El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou, and gives continuity to the urban revamp completed in C/ Joan d’Àustria and C/ Pamplona.

The bicycle also plays a central role in the new configuration, with cyclists able to get around all the new traffic-calmed spaces in both directions. A new square of 2,000 m2 has also been created at the junction between C/ Almogàvers and C/ Ciutat de Granada.

As for urban mobility, new bike parking has been installed, along with seating, new street lighting with vertical lampposts and litter bins. The pneumatic waste collection network has also been installed here. Regarding greenery, 108 trees are planned in the area, 91 of them new. More than 15 species of bushes have been planted too.


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