Winners in the challenges to design mobile and low-cost recharging points
The two innovation challenges to start developing mobile and low-cost recharging points to boost the rollout of electromobility in the city have now been resolved. The public competition was launched a year ago as part of the programme InnovAcció 2030, a joint initiative between the municipal Commissioner’s Office for 2030 Agenda and BSMThe two winning projects are set to be implemented through pilot projects around the network of BSM car parks over the first six months of 2024. The execution of the two projects has an overall budget of 160,000 euros.
First challenge: mobile recharging point
The first project, headed by the Californian start-up EV Safe Charge, consists of implementing a mobile recharging point for electric vehicles. The unit can be moved to provide cover for various parking spaces, without being installed in a specific location. The mobile point must also be able to communicate with the central management system for the Endolla Barcelona network and interact with users of the Smou app. This challenge has a budget of around 90,000 euros for developing the prototype.
Second challenge: low-cost recharging point
The second electromobility challenge is to develop a new concept for a recharging point for electric vehicles, offering low costs and easy maintenance. The Catalan spin-off TeknoCEA, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC – Barcelona TECH), will be tasked with producing five prototypes with a unit cost below 250 euros. This challenge has a budget of around 70,000 euros and will be trialled with real Endolla Barcelona users during the first six months of 2024, at the BSM car park Plaça Navas – Paral·lel.