Workgroup launched on the application of regulated rental prices in Barcelona

The main goal of the group is to study the evolution of the market and the stock of rental properties in the city, withing the context of the prices regulation. It will draft and debate a six-monthly report that includes the evolution of the number of new rent contracts signed and the evolution of rental prices. In the first session, the Barcelona Housing Observatory presented a preliminary study on the evolution of the rental housing stock, which has grown by 116% since 2009.

13/06/2024 12:44 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The workgroup was created through a broad agreement by the Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Mobility and Housing in March, with votes from the municipal government (PSC), the proposing group (BComú), JxCat-Trias x BCN and the ERC.

The participants in the workgroup are: the municipal government and the city’s political groups, as well as municipal bodies such as the Municipal Consumer Information Office (OMIC), and from other administrations, such as the Secretariat for Housing with the Government of Catalonia, the Catalan Consumer Agency and Barcelona Provincial Council. Other participants include the main organisations in the housing sector, such as the Barcelona Association of Estate Agents, the Barcelona Bar Association, the Tenants’ Union etc.

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