Agròpolis organises an agro-hackathon to design projects that will transform Barcelona's food model
The Agròpolis hackathon is inspired by the hackathons (a combination of the words hack and marathon) and aims to provide innovative responses to complex challenges. It is being held on 30 March, from 9.30 am to 1 pm, at Torre Jussana (Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 30).
Organisations linked to the world of agroecology and food sovereignty, whether they are members of Agròpolis or not, will be joining forces and ingenuity to create innovative, transformational projects through five challenges chosen from the preliminary challenges resulting from the drafting process for the 2030 Barcelona Sustainable Food Strategy. They are:
1. To increase the production and sale of local agroecological foods and short distribution circuits.
2. To protect and recuperate urban and peri-urban food production spaces.
3. To create healthy, sustainable food environments.
4. To foster a change in food culture.
5. To balance power within the food chain and foster fairer relationships.
The session will be split into two parts: in the first, various projects (Terra Pagesa [Farm Land], Cobertes Verdes [Green Roofs], Rutes Compartides [Shared Routes] and Gran Dinar [Big Lunch]) will share their experiences with those attending, while in the second part, other new, inspiring and dynamic work experiences will be developed, to jointly create projects that respond to Barcelona’s food challenges. If you would like to take part in this session, please register at this link.