Second call for the Collide award linking arts and science

The call has been announced for the second edition of the Collide Residency Award, an international competition seeking artists inspired by scientific and technological concepts and with an innovative means of artistic expression. The award is the main activity for Arts at CERN, the artistic residency programme promoted by the world’s largest particle physics lab and corresponding to one of the main areas of municipal public policies in science and research, embodied in the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023.

27/10/2020 12:57 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The call is open to artists from any discipline and anywhere in the world. The projects presented must combine the description of practices and artistic interests, such as the individual perception of science and how the science community at the CERN pursues major questions about the universe.

The winning project, whether individual or collective, will get a three-month residency to broaden their research: two months at the CERN working alongside particle physicists, engineers and IT professionals, and a month in Barcelona visiting labs and research centres in the city, with a residency at the Hangar Art Factory, Visual Arts Production and Research Centre.

The first edition of the Collide Residency Award was awarded to the Dutch artist Rosa Menkman in July 2019.

Consolidating scientific values as public heritage

The Collide Residency Award is jointly promoted by the Barcelona Institute of Culture and the CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, located in Geneva. The award forms part of one of the four areas in the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023, implemented by the Department of Science and Universities at the City Council to strengthen the city’s network of science, research and knowledge, and consolidate Barcelona as the international ecosystem in this field.

Arts at CERN is the arts programme for the world’s largest particle physics lab, home to the Large Hadron Collider. It has got a community of nearly twelve thousand physicists and engineers around the world and its goal is to explore creativity, ingenuity and curiosity to drive new expressions between art and science.

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