Expiry date for 2023 transport tickets extended to 29 February 2024

The goal is to give users more time to make the switch to T-mobilitat tickets.

04/12/2023 10:03 h

Ecologia Urbana

The expiry date for tickets purchased in 2023, initially established as 15 January 2024, has been extended by another month and a half, until 29 February 2024.

The extension has been established by the Metropolitan Transport Authority in response to the major changes being introduced in the ticket system. The idea is to give people more time to adapt to the transition from integrated transport tickets with magnetic strips to the rechargeable and contactless T-mobilitat format.

The change to the expiry date is applicable to all ATM integrated transport tickets in Barcelona and the T-4 ticket. As for T-16 and T-verda cards, these have their own expiry dates, which remain unchanged.

Source: ATM



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