Rough sea warning
Given the weather forecast and the increase in the height of waves, the warning stage of the municipal basic emergency plan for rough seas has been activated as of Wednesday, 19 March. People are advised to exercise extra caution and avoid the beaches. At the same time, access to the groynes at the beach and bathing are prohibited while the red flag is in place, currently the case at all city beaches.
The City Police are on duty at the beaches, preventing people from accessing the groynes and the areas where waves break, to avoid anyone being at risk.
The rough sea warning is activated when there is a high probability of waves in excess of 2.5 metres and the coastline suffers the effects and becomes dangerous for people, and where urban furniture may be damaged.
Windsurfing and paddle surf are allowed during the pre-alert stage of the municipal action plan for rough seas, under each individual’s own responsibility. However, security forces may exceptionally prohibit theses activities expressly if they perceive a specific serious risk to people’s safety.
