Remembering a hundred years since Sarrià became part of the city!
It’s a century since the former town of Sarrià became part of the municipality of Barcelona. The District of Sarrià - Sant Gervasi is organising a programme of public activities to mark the first hundred years of shared municipal history.Through a programme of exhibitions, meetings for reflection, workshops, talks and lectures, urban itineraries, music, films, children’s activities and more, the public are invited to take part in the celebrations to mark the centenary.
The decree to incorporate Sarrià into the city, dated 4 November 1921, culminated the process to configure Barcelona in its contemporary form. This process began in April 1897 with the addition of a series of municipalities on the Barcelona plain: Sants, Les Corts, Sant Gervasi de Cassoles, Gràcia, Sant Andreu de Palomar and Sant Martí de Provençals. Horta was added in 1904. The municipality of Sarrià had actually grown thanks to the addition of other territories such as Vallvidrera (1890) and part of Santa Creu d’Olorda (1916). This process to modernise the city and the old centre of Sarrià consolidated the birth of a specifically urban culture and almost definitively established the city’s boundaries as we know them today. There’s no doubt that without Sarrià, Barcelona would not be the city it is.
The programme of activities to mark the centenary was possible thanks to the participation of associations and the network of public cultural facilities in the district of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi, as well as leading institutions in the city.
Get actively involved and take part with pride!
Further information
- Exposició: ‘La Festa Major de Sarrià, història i teixit associatiu’
- Jornada 'Sarrià i Barcelona 1921'
- Quant saps de la història de Sarrià? Participa en el Joc del Centenari
- Ja es pot reservar el llibre ‘Sarrià 1921, centenari de l’agregació a Barcelona’
- ‘Sarrià: crònica visual d’un poble agregat a Barcelona’
- Exposició “Ara fa 100 anys”
- Jornada ‘Sarrià i Barcelona 1921’
- Conferència ‘El Rectoret i les Planes fa 100 anys’
- Itinerari 'El Sarrià de fa 100 anys. L'Institut Químic de Sarrià'
- Publicat el llibre ‘Sarrià – Sant Gervasi: patrimoni documental i identidad cívica’ (vídeo)
- Coneixeu la ruta de les 'Besàvies feministes'? (vídeo)