Registration period is open for taking part in a new edition of the Agrohackathon

The event, which takes place this coming 1 December at Torre Jussana, is open to every organisation in the city linked to agroecology and food sovereignty.

10/11/2023 10:34 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

This is the third time that the Agròpolis space is inviting organisations in the city linked to agroecology and food sovereignty, whether or not they are members of the space, to a hackathon focusing on the creation of new projects and creative solutions to transform Barcelona’s food model.

The event takes place on Friday, 1 December, from 10 am to 2 pm at Torre Jussana (Av Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 30). Prior registration is required.

An ideas lab with future prospects

Hackathons are intense work sessions in an ideas lab format, where collective work dynamics are created and innovative solutions found for specific challenges.

Thanks to collaboration from the Fem Procomuns cooperative, the Agrohackathon will be applying the “commons sustainability” model, whose five-aspect analyses of projects enable the activation of intercooperation and the exploration of resources to be mobilised.

The five cornerstones to be analysed are: community; resources to be mobilised, work force, shared knowledge and skills and democratic governance.

Under the model, the projects’ potential can be imagined according to their environment and inter-cooperation promoted, allowing the implementation of the projects as from the day after the day event.

In fact, ideas thought up at previous editions of the Agrohackathon have come to fruition in real projects, some of which were able receive funding through ‘Impulsem el que fas’ calls for subsidy applications.

An opportunity for putting proposals into practice and seeking alliances

This edition will once again involve work on the big food challenges facing Barcelona, in particular ideas, proposals and projects contributed by the organisations themselves and which can be enriched from the ideas and co-creation lab process.

Hence the call for associations and organisations to pass on proposals relating to agroecology and food sovereignty to be worked on collectively at the Agrohackathon.

Whether these have to do with a project outline that needs to mature, a project typical of alliance-seeking or simply a good idea or initiative for the city, they can be sent in advance so their proposal can be put into practice during the session and end up, with the help of collective intelligence, as successful projects.

If you’d like to propose an idea or project to be worked on at the Agrohackathon, please do so using this form, before 27 November.

What is Agròpolis?

Launched by Barcelona City Council with the aim of transforming the city’s food system, Agròpolis is a public-community space that organises various days events throughout the year dedicated to exchanging experiences and co-creating projects linked to food sovereignty and agroecology.

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