New call for the Montserrat Roig Awards for Journalism and Social Communication

Candidacies for the Montserrat Roig Awards can be put forward between 8 April and 6 May. Now in their seventh consecutive edition under this name, the awards promote quality journalistic information on social matters in the city.

08/04/2024 12:42 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The new edition of the Montserrat Roig Awards keeps the same four categories from the previous editions: social journalism, social communication, promotion of investigative journalism and the special jury award, along with the same monetary prize as the last edition, of 45,000 euros.


Projects put forward in the categories of social journalism and social communication must have been published, broadcast or disseminated between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023.

As for investigative journalism projects, these have a maximum time frame of one year from the date of the award. Projects in this category should preferably be in the spheres of covering basic needs, support in early childhood, citizen participation, care of others or the effects of the digital divide.

Projects must have Barcelona as the central theme in terms of both the topic addressed and the target audience or framework of influence. You can find full details on the Montserrat Roig Awards and the registration process on the website.


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