More space for pedestrians, bikes and public transport in the new Via Laietana
The revamp to Via Laietana has been adapted based on the ways people have used the street over the last year. The project will provide more space for pedestrians, bikes and public transport, with local shops and businesses also to benefit.
New squares and wider pavements
Pavements are to be widened to 4,05 metres along the whole street, with a large Plaça d’Antoni Maura linking the cathedral with the Mercat de Santa Caterina. The junctions with C/ Jonqueres, Pl. Àngel and Pl. Antonio López will also be traffic-calmed, while pedestrian crossings will be made wider and relocated to connect better with streets which cross Ciutat Vella.
Bikes next to pavements
Cyclists have stressed the need to get along Via Laietana safely. The new project will see bikes circulating next to the pavements in both directions, without sharing space with cars. Bikes heading upwards will have a segregated lane, while on the downward side they will share the bus lane.
The street will have just one traffic lane for private vehicles, heading downwards and with a 30 km/h speed limit. There will be no lanes for general private traffic heading towards Pl. Urquinaona. The bus and taxi lane in this direction will be able to be used by local residents in Barceloneta, to connect with the neighbourhood.
More public transport
Bus-stops are to be relocated in the new squares, with spaces for taxi ranks to be doubled from 4 to 8. Loading and unloading spaces will also be increased, from 25 to 54, with access to the Mercat de Santa Caterina and the hotels guaranteed.
- The final project will be ready in the autumn.
- Work will get under way in the section between Urquinaona and Antoni Maura in June 2022 and take a year.
- The second section between Antoni Maura and Correus will be carried out in the next term of office, completing the transformation.