More subsidies for youth groups for families with limited resources

A new line of subsidies worth more than 170,000 euros will enable volunteer educational leisure organisations to favour the inclusion of children from families with fewer resources.

18/07/2024 15:18 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Mainly aimed at organised youth groups, the subsidy call seeks to favour the participation of children and teenagers in organised activities, so that the financial circumstances of families do not prevent them from taking part in them during the school year or the holidays.

Projects seeking subsidies must promote the work of associations for children and teenagers operated on a volunteer basis and boost networking, giving support to young people’s associations on the Register of Youth Organisations held by the Directorate General for Youth, and promote social and cultural values.

Subsidy applications can be submitted from the day after the publication of the call until 10 September, with subsidies to be used for projects that start and finish between 1 January and 31 December 2024.


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