It’s open doors at the Municipal Sports Centres

13/05/2022 09:00 h

Martín Roig

Barcelona has an extensive network of sports facilities, including the Municipal Sports Centres (CEMs). On 14 and 15 May, the city’s 41 CEMs will be holding an open day for all Barcelona residents, who will be able to visit them free of charge. What’s more, many centres will also be opening their doors for doing sport at their facilities, and will be offering free registration during that weekend.

We also recommend visiting each centre’s website to find out more about their terms and conditions, and their opening hours. Even though it’s not essential, it’s advisable to book an appointment in advance to avoid disappointment.

Sport for all

The network of municipal sports facilities is designed to ensure that everyone in the city can find a space to do the physical activity of their choice, in line with their preferences and needs. Furthermore, the City Council offers different rates and discounts to different groups within the population.

Furthermore, the City Council offers different rates and discounts to different groups within the population. In all there are more than 200 different rates, and these can be consulted directly at each facility. There are rates for the elderly, for young people, for families, for single parent families, for the unemployed, for people with disabilities, etc.