Investment of 31 million euros in Barceloneta

The neighbourhood will get a structural improvement during this term of office, with work on facilities, housing and public space. The improvement plan responds to long-standing demands from local residents and forms part of the budget agreement with the ERC municipal group. This includes a reserve of ten million euros for a plan to give something back to this neighbourhood in Ciutat Vella in connection with the America’s Cup.

31/05/2024 14:24 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Barceloneta is the city’s authentic maritime neighbourhood. It comes under intense pressure every summer and is set to receive even higher volumes of people this year, with the city hosting the America’s Cup. To respond to this situation and the long-standing demands of local people, work will be carried out between now and 2028 in different areas to improve the neighbourhood.

More and better facilities with an investment of 18 million euros

Notable measures include:

Investment of 2.2 million euros to renovate housing

The improvement plan includes the renovation of two housing blocks to update the public housing stock in the neighbourhood and add new homes. These are the 81 homes for the elderly at C/ Pinzón, 12, and the 18 flats in the block at Passeig Joan de Borbó, 44.

10.8 million euros on public space

Revamps to streets, repairs and renewals to achieving quality and well-ordered public space. Notable measures include:

  • Comprehensive improvement project for Passeig de Joan de Borbó.
  • New children’s area in Parc de la Barceloneta.
  • Repair of urban elements and paving in Passeig Marítim.
  • Reurbanisation of Carrer de Pepe Rubianes, plus four streets within the sea-mountain corridor and Pl. Poetà Boscà.
  • Improvements to all damaged pavements.
  • Three spaces with toilets.

The comprehensive improvement and maintenance plan (PMI) also includes an investment of 3.5 million euros in Barceloneta. In all, 14.3 million euros will be invested to improve public space.

Improvements at the port

Besides municipal investment, the coming years will also see the neighbourhood get additional investment agreed between the City Council, the Government of Catalonia and Port de Barcelona to improve the infrastructures at the northern mouth of the port, the “tinglados” at the Moll Orienta wharf, the renewal of the Llotja building, the fishing area at the Sant Sebastià groyne and more.

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