Farewell to the municipal term of office 2019-2023: who is who?
The final full council meeting for the 2019-2023 term of office, formally designated for approving the final acts of meetings and commissions, also meant a farewell to 22 councillors who will not be forming part of the municipal corporation following the elections of 28 May.
Over half of the seats on the Full Council will be occupied by different figures for the new term of office: 22 of the 41 councillors took their seat in the Carles Pi i Sunyer plenary chamber for last time on Wednesday, 14 June, for the last meeting of the term of office, known as the ple de la llàgrima (meeting of tears). They were:
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
This is the municipal group bidding farewell to the most councillors: five in all. Two of these, Gemma Sendra i Planas and Jordi Fexas Massanés, were not seeking re-election on 28 May. The other three, Rosa Suriñach i Frígola, Montserrat Benedí Altés and Max Zañartu Plaza, failed to gain seats.
Barcelona en Comú
Four members of the city government said farewell to the chamber. The Fourth Deputy Mayor, Laura Pérez Castaño, and the Councillor for Citizen Rights, Eloi Badia Casas, had already announced this was their last term of office and that they were not seeking re-election. The other outgoing councillors were Pau Gonzàlez Val, Councillor for Education, and Jordi Rabassa Massons, Councillor for Historical memory, number 10 and 11 on the list of candidates for Barcelona en Comú in the last elections.
Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya
Three councillors with government roles said farewell: the Councillor for Commerce, Markets, Internal Affairs and Tax, Montserrat Ballarín; the Councillor for Tourism and Creative Industries, Xavier Marcé, and the Councillor for Childhood, Youth and the Elderly, Joan Ramon Riera. Another outgoing councillor is Núria Carmona Cardoso.
Junts per Catalunya
Of the five councillors who represented Junts per Catalunya in the last term of office, the only one drawing his time on the Full Council to an end is Ferran Mascarell i Canalda.
The party has lost its representation on the Full Council, meaning a farewell to Francisco Sierra López, Noemí Martín Peña and Julia Barea Sánchez.
Partit Popular
Neither of the two PP councillors from the last term of office are staying on. Óscar Ramírez Lara was not standing as a candidate for the PP on 28 May and Inmaculada Delgado Álvarez, number 10 on the party’s list, is not among the four councillors who gained seats.
Neither Eva Parera Escrichs nor Oscar Benítez Bernal will be back as councillors, as Valents failed to maintain their representation on the City Council.
Independent councillor
Marilén Barceló Verea, who started the last term of office as a councillor for Ciutadans and remained so until May 2021, is also saying farewell. Barceló was number 3 on the list for Valents, but the party failed to gain representation on the Full Council.
34 councillors did not complete the full term of office
Besides the 22 councillors who sat in the plenary chamber for the last time today, another 11 elected representatives who gained seats in 2019 did not complete the full term of office. They were:
- Joaquim Forn (J×Cat), replaced by Francina Vila in October 2019.
- Marga Marí-Klose (PSC), replaced by Joan Ramon Riera in June 2020.
- Maria Buhigas (ERC), replaced by Marina Gassol in October 2020.
- Joan Subirats (BComú), replaced by Pau Gonzàlez in July 2021.
- Elsa Artadi (J×Cat), replaced by Joan Rodríguez in June 2022.
- Manuel Valls (Valents), replaced by Oscar Benítez in September 2022.
- Celestino Corbacho (Cs), replaced by Noemí Martín in October 2022.
- Mari Luz Guilarte (Cs), replaced by Julia Barea in November 2022.
- Miquel Puig i Raposo (ERC), replaced by Rosa Suriñach in December 2022.
- Jaume Collboni (PSC), replaced by Núria Carmona in February 2023.
- Josep Bou (PP), replaced by María Immaculada Delgado in April 2023.
Marina Gassol i Ventura, ERC councillor and head of the District of Ciutat Vella, passed away on 4 March 2023. Jordi Fexas replaced her as a councillor in April.

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