New rents down by 6.4% on average

The average price of rents in Barcelona has dropped by 5.1% in interannual terms since the regulation of rents came into effect, and 6.4% in comparison with the first and fourth quarter of 2024. The figures buck the trend of the last ten years, when the cost of rent had risen by 68%.

14/03/2025 15:31 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The number of new rental contracts signed in 2024 rose by 780 compared to the previous year, and 416 since the first declaration of areas with tense housing markets. The result is a drop in the turnover of tenants in favour of stability in homes, which comes among other things from the increase in the minimum length of rental contracts from 5 to 7 years, included in the legislative amendment of 2019.

Housing as a priority

Barcelona was the first and only major city in the Spanish state to declare itself an area with a tense housing market. As part of the Pla Viure, work is under way with the goal of increasing and speeding up the construction of the pool of protected public housing in the city, adopting a comprehensive long-term strategy.

During this term of office, as many as 3,000 homes are expected to be handed over, with a further 5,000 in various stages of execution. Enough sites will also be generated to build an additional 10,000 homes.

The city was also the first to announce the end of permits for tourist lets, which will also allow the city to regain 10,101 flats for residential use at the end of 2028.

In parallel, backing for diversification and collaboration with other public administrations, the third sector and private initiatives seeks to optimise resources and double the production of protected housing at a rhythm of 1,000 flats a year until the end of this term of office.

Work continues on other measures such as the amendment to the reserve of 30% and its application, mediation with other public administrations urging them to put an end to fraud through seasonal rents and the leadership of an alliance with European cities to respond to the social emergency caused by the housing crisis.

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