Christmas lights illuminate shops in Sants and L’Eixample
“Christmas lights illuminate commerce” is an initiative conceived to add vitality and innovation in local commerce in the city’s neighbourhoods as part of the festive campaign. Ten design schools have created shop-window designs this year for ten establishments in Sants and 12 in L’Eixample.
The process means some of the most traditional and iconic shops have adopted design as an ally for innovation, at the same time giving visibility to the city’s creative talent. The Christmas lights, previously conceived as street decorations, now become a fundamental part of the design for shop windows.
The window displays in L’Eixample will be presented on Tuesday, 29 November, while those in the Sants neighbourhood will be presented on 1 December. Over the whole of the Christmas campaign, citizens will be able to choose the most innovative shop-window display using a form available in participating establishments.
Students taking part in this year’s edition come from the higher degree courses at the Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona Elisava, the Escola Massana, the ESDAPC, the Escola Superior de Disseny de Barcelona (ESDESIGN), the Escola Superior de Disseny (ESDi), the Escola Superior d’Enginyeries Industrial, Aeroespacial i Audiovisual de Terrassa (ESEIAAT), the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura La Salle (ETSALS, Universitat Ramon Llull), the IED Barcelona Centre Superior de Disseny, the LABASAD Barcelona School of Arts & Design and the LCI Barcelona.
Created in 2017 and promoted by the Barcelona Centre de Disseny and the Directorate for Commerce, Restaurants and Consumption, this initiative has now been carried out in various neighbourhoods in the districts of Sarrià – Sant Gervasi, Gràcia, Sant Andreu, Horta and Ciutat Vella.