Boost for sustainable sports centre projects

Nearly four million euros is being allocated in subsidies for 57 projects by public and private sport centres to optimise water usage during droughts and guarantee sports activity at all times. The initiative comes in the context of the “Barcelona with Sustainable Sport” awards.

30/12/2024 09:53 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Of the 57 facilities receiving subsides, 45 are public entities while 12 are private companies. They now have a maximum period of twelve months to apply their proposed improvements.

The awards are in two categories. The first is for projects to improve the reuse of water at facilities, for instance by recovering water used to clean swimming pool filters and using it in toilets, or the recovery of greywater from showers to be used for watering. Twenty-four centres took part in this category.

The second, with 33 projects approved, centres on initiatives to repair leaks, changing the means of filtering water in swimming pools, installing ultraviolet technology, replacing taps with low-consumption alternatives and adding water pressure limiters.

Projects put forward for subsidies had to have a consumption of at least 2,000 cubic metres a day and a minimum amount of 10,000 euros.

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