Barcelona Activa helps over 36,000 people in the first half of 2021

During the first six months of the year the municipal agency provided training and employment services for 36,915 people and 5,017 companies. The figures represent a 9% increase in the number of individual users and 32% in the number of companies compared to the same period in 2020.

31/07/2021 10:52 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Some 59% of users were women, a similar percentage to the first six months of 2020. The age range with the largest number of users was from 30 to 45, although there were increases in all age groups.

The number of people helped by Barcelona Activa increased in all city districts, with the most requests received from Sant Martí and L’Eixample.

More services for companies

There was also an increase in the number of people approaching the Business Support Office with queries relating to companies. This increase was clearer in some sectors such as commerce, with 1,200 businesses seeking some sort of advice, while requests of this type numbered less than a thousand in the same period last year.

Other sectors such as transport, logistics and distribution account for nearly 400 requests, while sectors such as ICT, creative production, culture, hospitality, tourism and leisure, industry and urban services also saw an increase in the volume of advice provided.

In terms of people and companies helped through the measures from the special funding from the Economic Response Coordination Centre (CECORE), launched at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, data from the last year show that from May 2020 to June 2021 the number of companies helped was 3,109 (60% of them operated by self-employed people) and 28,721 individuals (64% women).


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