Proposals from municipal groups in the full council meeting of 23 February 2024

February’s full council meeting approved five proposals: one from Junts-Trias×BCN to facilitate the relationship between members of the public and the administration; one from BComú for sustainable water management; one from the ERC to incentivise the use of Catalan; one from the PP to cover the Ronda del Mig, and one from the PSC with content for an institutional declaration, declaring the abuse of social media as a public health issue. The proposal from Vox with content for an institutional declaration was rejected. The session ended with the reading of three institutional declarations.

23/02/2024 17:16 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The first proposal in the governmental control and input section of the meeting was from Junts per Catalunya – Trias per Barcelona, urging the Spanish government to simplify the burden on the administration and facilitate the relationship between members of the public and the City Council. The session approved the proposal with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox abstained.

Barcelona en Comú proposed a subsidy call to renew household water systems and reduce domestic consumption by 30%, and urged the AMB to create a new epigraph on water bills segregating tourist establishments from domestic and commercial ones etc. The proposal was approved with votes from the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it and Junts-Trias×BCN abstained.

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya put forward a proposal to include the promotion and social use of Catalan in the next strategic subsidy plan. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it.

The proposal from the Partit Popular urged the government to produce a feasibility report in 2024 for covering the Ronda del Mig, in the section between C/ Mejía Lequirica and Pl. Prat de la Riba. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PP and Vox, while the PSC, BComú and the ERC abstained.

The Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya put forward a proposal with content for an institutional declaration, declaring the abuse of social media among children and teenagers as a public health issue. The proposal was approved with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú, the ERC and the PP, while Vox abstained.

Vox also proposed content for an institutional declaration for the City Council to demonstrate its non-conformity with the European Green Deal. The proposal was rejected, with Vox voting in favour while Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú, the ERC and the PP voted against it.

Institutional declarations

Three institutional declarations were also read out in the meeting.

The first, in the context of 8 and 21 March, calling for better work and life conditions for women and to eradicate racial inequalities.

The second, to support the demonstrations by farmers and recognise the role of the agricultural sector for the feasibility of the city.

The third, to condemn the death of two Guardia Civil officers while in service as part of a police operation in the port of Barbate, in the province of Cádiz.