Amunt: comprehensive support project to improve people’s social and labour situation
Over a thousand people on guaranteed minimum incomes are taking part in this pilot project promoted by the Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.
The Amunt project involves 1,182 participants under the age of 65 who expressed an interest in taking part during the 60 information sessions held between June and July 2022. The project offers them:
- Psycho-social support at an individual and group level.
- Labour guidance.
- Basic training and support with skills recognition.
- Work experience through a municipal employment scheme.
- Entrepreneurial plan.
- Participation in communal action.
The methodology simplifies and coordinates support through a single channel to make it as useful and efficient as possible.
First there is a welcome process based on a social and labour analysis identifying the person’s needs and interests. Finally, the programme proposes the most suitable service for participants to sign up to in each case.

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04/04/2023 11:26 h