A food lab to boost the northern part of 22@
Agreement with Mercabarna to set up a food lab in the old La Escocesa factory and turn it into a gastronomy innovation hub.
The lab will be created in the 2,000 square metres of the Shield unit, use latest-generation technology and drive projects in the food tech sector in Barcelona, the goal being to attract investment and specialised talent. The project is aimed at turning the laboratory into a leading international centre for creative entrepreneurship in the agro-food sector and a development centre for a healthy and sustainable food industry.
Barcelona is the sixth world capital in food tech, according to the Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021, with a score of 8.55. The city has a sustainable economy roadmap, with a part linked to food, which seeks to drive innovative business models to foster responsible local consumption and back healthy and sustainable food habits.
There are 185 food tech projects in Catalonia, according to the Acció directory. The new hub is aimed at speeding up the appearance of new start-ups in this sector.