XVIII Obrador d’Estiu de la Sala Beckett

  • Activitats paral·leles

One of the most important events in the Sala Beckett’s artistic and training offering.

This year with Simon Longman, Lola Arias, Celso Giménez, Yael Ronen, Sergio Blanco, Victoria Szpunberg and Cordelia Lynn, amongsts others.

Courses and workshops

Playwriting courses

My Documents
With Lola Arias
July 3 - 7 

Imagination before writing
With Celso Giménez (La tristura)
July 10 - 14

The Private Is Political. A workshop for people with biography
With Yael Ronen
July 10 - 15

Autofiction: fading oneself onstage
With Sergio Blanco
July 10 - 15 

What are the real rules? (From the dramatic form to the open form)
With Victoria Szpunberg
July 10 - 15

The Carrier Bag Workshop of Theatre
With Cordelia Lynn
July 11 - 15

Stage creation workshops

Landscape, Memory and Theatre
With Simon Longman
July 9 - 15

Open to the audience


Happy birthday MLNSCTS
Els Malnascuts 10th anniversary
July 8 - 10, at 7 pm

Staged readings in Parc del Centre del Poblenou

Landscape, Memory and Theatre
New Short Plays.
10 - 11 de juliol, at 6.30 pm
Free admission.

Media hora para el tango
By Laura Verazzi
July 12 at 7 pm
Free admission.

L3 - Fontana
By Roser Vilajosana Sesé
July 13 at 7 pm h
Free admission.

No he estat mai a Dublín
By Markos Goikolea Unzalu. Director: Mireia Gabilondo.
July 14 at 7 pm
Free admission.


Sala Beckett – Arena
Improvised playwriting game
By Cristina Clemente, Llàtzer Garcia, Eu Manzanares and Joan Yago
Sala de dalt
July 11 at 8.30 pm

Unless stated otherwise, all the activities will be held at the Sala Beckett (C/Pere IV, 228, 232). The staged readings will take place in the open air, in Poblenou Central Park (Av. Diagonal, 130).

Further information:
