Un tret al cap

  • Teatre

Pau Miró

A bittersweet story performed by three female characters who speak to us of the different forms that censorship takes in both public and private.

The latest work by the playwright Pau Miró takes the form of a journalistic thriller that, nevertheless, does not forgo comedy or revealing the most intimate aspects of the characters. They are all women, members of a triangle headed by a journalist who was too awkward for the newspaper she used to work for and which has just fired her. She is accompanied on stage by her sister, who just wants to live the last years of her life to the full, and a victim who demands that her case be brought into the open. All three of them have ended up in a cul-de-sac that they will only be able to leave by saying things that are so hard to say. Censorship in the public sphere, in this case the world of journalism, and also the private, in this case the family, is the driving force of this bittersweet story.

It is the product of the imagination of Pau Miró, an actor, director and playwright who graduated in acting at the Institut del Teatre, who has trained as a playwright on the courses of the Sala Beckett and who has written pieces such asEls jugadors, theTrilogia animal(formed ofBúfals,LleonsandGirafes) andPlou a Barcelona.

Artistic card

Autoria: Pau Miró ; Interpretació: Emma Vilarasau, Imma Colomer, Mar Ulldemolins; Escenografia: Sebastià Brosa; Disseny de la il€luminació: David Bofarull (A.A.I); Vestuari: Berta Riera; Caracterització: Toni Santos ; Ajudantia de direcció: Alícia Gorina;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Thuesday-Saturday, 8.30 pm. Sunday, 6.30 pm
  • Space

    Sala Beckett

    Alegre de Dalt, 55 bis

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price
    20 €