
  • Circ

Los Galindos

Come and meet the characters of a gut-feeling, simple and visceral circus, always ready to disturb the logic of human relationships

Encounters and disagreements, false courtesies ... These are some of the situations brought about by the characters of this performance, a circus show that takes place on a round stage surrounded by spectators. We are inside the wooden and canvas tent that, since 2011, hosts the shows of this company and is inspired by the yurts of the Mongols. Get in, as within this space, you will enjoy  the game of ongoing entries and exits of these artists who face an exercise of searching and rediscovering the physical capacities and emotional confrontation of the individual with himself.

Here you will notice that the circus, the vaudeville and the varieties have a clear kinship, hence the UduL artists pay homage to some genres that are especially popular and directly connected to the audience.

Anna Pascual and Benet Jofre join in this new show by Los Galindos to the two souls of the company, Bet Garrell and Marcel Escolano. They created Los Galindos in 1991 since then, have signed twelve collective creation shows, have co-founded the Rogelio Rivel School and have won the 2016 National Culture Award.

A production by Los Galindos

With the agreement of Fira Trapezi de Reus, Passage Festival d’Helsingor, Kulturzentrum Tollhaus de Karlsruhe, Teatre Auditori de Granollers, Teatre d’Olot

Creation support: Territori Creatiu, Fira Tàrrega; Ca L’Estruch (Sabadell); Can Gassol (Mataró); Cronopis i Can Fugarolas (Mataró); Cecuca (Cardedeu); Roca Umbert (Granollers); La Central del Circ (Barcelona)

With the support of el Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC), el Institut Ramon Llull y el Circ Crac

Beneficiary project of the Fund for the creation of the cross-border cooperation project De Mar a Mar within the framework of the POCTEFA programme.

Show recommended for audiencies aged 7 and over.

Artistic card

Artistic direction: Bet Garrell, Marcel Escolano (Los Galindos) Creation of artists in the circus ring: Anna Pascual, Benet Jofre, Bet Garrell, Marcel Escolano External artistic intervention: Roberto Magro, Enric Ases, Bina Rieck, Michel Dallaire Stage/Scenography: Los Galindos Costume: Perturbado de Ponzoña Technician and builder: Benet Jofre Visual arts and stage props: Txell Janot Illustration: Laia Sondang Soundtrack effects: Kiku Vidal, Yvonne Miraille Musical collaborations: Joan Cot, Xavi Lozano Video: Julián Waisbord Photogtraphy: Manel Sala “Ulls” Distribution: Txell Bosch Production: Los Galindos



  • Dates
  • Space

    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu

    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
  • Language
    Espectacle sense paraules
  • Price