
Cia. Olveira/Salcedo

In their first show created entirely by the artists, a shadow theatre company tells us an adventure story and speaks to us of friendship, solidarity and cooperation. What about you? Are you an ubuntu person?

The Xhosa and Zulu cultures have a word, “ubuntu”, which means something like “I am because I belong to”. So the word refers to the delicate network of relationships that is established between members of a community. A person with ubuntu supports others and feels weak when they are humiliated or fall victim to injustice. The Olveira/Salcedo theatre company transfers this concept to the language of shadow theatre to tell us the story of a group of children and their adventures. These are all kids who are often taunted and even bullied, just because they are different from the others. Together, they will embark on a fantastic journey in which they will face dangerous situations but which will also teach them that collaboration and cooperation enable them to overcome the most difficult obstacles. The show also includes a fifteen-minute talk during which spectators can see the material used in the performance at close range. Founded in 2009, the company is formed by the Barcelonan Olga Olveira and the Venezuelan Juvenal Salcedo, whose previous shows together include Deixeu-li fer (o la història d'en Patufet), El flautista de Hamelín and Nou llocs per a un nòmada, this last work created in cooperation with the Majorcan musician Jaume Tugores.

Artistic card

Autoria: Cia. Olveira/Salcedo; Direcció i dramatúrgia: Cia. Olveira/Salcedo; Direcció d'actors i assessorament en la dramatúrgia: Virgínia Olveira ; Interpretació: Olga Olveira i Juvenal Salcedo; Composició musical: Jaume Tugores; Tècnic: Juan Carlos Mora ;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Saturday and Sunday, 5 pm
  • Space

    Sala Fènix

    Carrer de la Riereta, 31, 08001 Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    45 min
  • Price