TV & Misèria de la II Transició

  • Teatre

Albert Boronat / Carme Portaceli

Everyday life, narrated in this madcap comedy that shows how background noise from the television set has more effect on us than we may think. Manuel Vázquez Montalbán inspires an acute, ironic show.

Rampant neoliberalism has caused enormous financial imbalances and, as a result, growing social inequalities. Only a war has had such devastating effects on the life of the population. At least, that is the way the artists behind this theatre production see things as they take their inspiration from the writer Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s thought, particularly his analysis of the personality of José María Aznar and the period when Aznar was president of the Spanish government. Based on this material, the play builds up a portrait of our day-to-day life: at home, at school, at the hospital or on television, a constant influence on our lives. A series of ghosts, as described by the crime fiction author, appear in these different settings, having become fully developed thanks to present circumstances. An encounter with Vázquez Montalbán’s irony and wisdom, and with our everyday reality. 

Artistic card

Autoria: Albert Boronat; Direcció: Carme Portaceli; Intèrprets: David Bagés, Lluïsa Castell, Gabriela Flores, Albert Pérez ; Música original: Dani Nel·lo, Jordi Prats; Escenografia: Paco Azorín; Il·luminació: Miguel Muñoz; Moviment: Inés Boza; Vestuari: Carlota Ricart; Maquillatge: Toni Santos; Ajudant de direcció: Ricard Soler i Mallol; Direcció tècnica: Jordi Soler Prim; Direcció de producció: FEI - Factoria Escènica Internacional; Producció executiva: Elena Vilaplana, Roger Sardà (FEI - Factoria Escènica Internacional); Músic: Jordi Prats; Música original: Dani Nel·lo, Jordi Prats; Moviment: Inés Boza; Ajudant d'escenografia: Jordi Soler Prim; Regidoria: Jordi Soler Prim; Disseny gràfic: Pedro Chamizo; Veu en off: Rosa Maria Sardà; Confecció del vestuari: Goretti Puente; Enregistrament d'imatges: Videostudi; Tècnic de so: Efren Bellostes; Tècnic d'il·luminació: Miguel Muñoz; Fotografia: David Ruano, Paco Amate;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Romea

    Carrer de l'Hospital, 51, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price