Tempo de Luz

  • Música

Carmen Linares / Arcángel / Marina Heredia

Three great voices of today's flamenco star in a gala in which they span the spectrum from the most traditional forms to the most innovative and cutting-edge styles of the genre.

With this unique, extraordinary show, three outstanding artists show the diversity and versatility of flamenco. The first of them, Carmen Linares, is a good example of an artist as interested in maintaining the roots as she is in exploring the many possibilities of an art that she has successfully combined with chamber ensembles, but also with symphony orchestras. She is accompanied by Arcángel, a composer and cantaor (singer) particularly well known on today’s flamenco scene who from his roots in the purest tradition explores new pathways. Besides having performed an onstage tribute to the gypsy cantaor Manolo Caracol (Zambra 5.1), he has worked with greats of the genre such as the bailaora (dancer) Eva Yerbabuena and the bailaor Israel Galván, and with exceptional guitarists like, for example, Vicente Amigo. Completing the bill is Marina Heredia, a cantaora born in the Albaicín neighbourhood of Granada who has assimilated the classics but who, with her unmistakable voice, has become one of the icons of the most modern flamenco on the basis of singing everything in her own personal style, from tarantos to rumbas and from songs to tangos. She has successfully reinterpreted the most classic singing styles from a modern perspective, ensuring that they do not lose any of their power in the process.

Artistic card

Direcció musical: Isidro Muñoz; Interpretació: Ana Morales (baile); Interpretació musical: Carmen Linares, Arcángel i Marina Heredia (veus)
Miguel ngel Cortés i José Quevedo €oeBolita€ (guitarres)
Paquito González (percussió)
; Disseny de la il·luminació: David Pérez
; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Eduardo Ruiz Joya; Producció: Flamenco Festival; Management en gira: Isabel Aranda; Producció executiva: El Mandaito;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price
    16-28 €